A significant milestone for the UK based IP firm.
Search-a-brand assists you in researching, choosing and building a brand for your company, service or product. Try it out and search with the intended name!
A significant milestone for the UK based IP firm.
Prince Harry & Lord Watson win case over unlawful information gathering.
The latest chapter in the “MIND THE GAP” trade mark battle.
Opportunities vs the risks.
The firm, which celebrates its 10th anniversary this month, is planning further expansion.
Businesses marketing around the Olympics must be careful not to inadvertently infringe IP rights.
How to protect and exploit image rights in the UK.
The regulatory landscape in the UK and how this could affect your business.
Brandsmiths+ hosted their second event for in-house lawyers in their London offices in Aldgate.
Lifestyle's success in the UK Supreme Court in its trade mark infringement claim against Amazon.
The anticipated decisions that will shape the future of business strategies.
The sportswear brand succeeded in its trade mark claim against footwear brand Dream Pairs.
What can brand owners do to prevent counterfeits from coming into the country?
How cloudy is the law when it comes to lookalikes?
Celebrating Bronze award for 'Best Professional Services in Sport'.
Understanding the types of trademark clearance searches that are right for your business.
The Importance of Protecting Your Intellectual Property: Key Strategies for SMEs.
How the movie product placement highlights the intellectual property issues at play.
BBC staff distance themselves from allegations of paying a teenager for explicit photographs.
The state of play.
Brandsmiths is thrilled to announce their resounding success at this year's Managing IP Awards.
Multiple award nominations are showcasing the firm's IP excellence...
The Lawyer Monthly Legal Awards 2022 recognised Joel's exceptional results in the past year.
Is Amazon liable for infringing third party rights?
Chambers and Partners have published its rankings of the UK legal profession.
The challenges when dealing with a bad faith trade mark claim.
Brandsmiths is a trading name of Brandsmiths S.L. Limited which is authorised by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority, SRA No: 620298. Founding Partner: Adam Morallee
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