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Relevant Reputation Management Experience
Emergency Injunctions
Brandsmiths has extensive experience advising on and securing emergency injunctions in the High Court. The firm has represented Premier League footballers in cases involving defamation, harassment, privacy breaches, and breaches of confidence— as well as a former Premier League-winning captain, and a host of others from the world of football. We have also represented high profile individuals from other sports, including Olympic athletes and top-level rugby players.
Roberto Carlos
Brandsmiths acted for Brazilian football legend Robert Carlos in a defamation case against the Daily Mail in respect of allegations that he was one of the two Brazilian internationals accused of using banned performance-enhancing drugs around the 2002 World Cup.
We obtained an apology, statement in open court and a six figure damages sum in addition to legal costs.
Hasan Ismaik and TSV 1860 Munich
Brandsmiths represented the Jordanian businessman Hasan Ismaik in several libel matters. Mr Ismaik, as part his business interests, is an owner of German football club TSV 1860 Munich. One case was settled on favourable terms, and another is presently active.
Sir Mo Farah
Brandsmiths represented Sir Mo Farah in multiple reputation management related matters, including a case against a vaping company that misused his likeness in London bus advertisements. The ads falsely suggested his association with vaping products, damaging his reputation. A passing-off claim was pursued and successfully settled on highly favourable terms, which included damages.
Additionally, we have handled several pre- and post-publication issues involving defamation and misuse of private information, securing the withdrawal of planned publications, issuing corrections, and obtaining damages.
David Walliams
Although not sports-related, Brandsmiths represented David Walliams in a UK GDPR breach and misuse of private information claim against Fremantle Media Ltd. The case involved the recording and leaking of conversations from Britain’s Got Talent. Filed in September 2023, the claim was successfully settled through mediation in November 2023, resulting in an undisclosed settlement and a public apology.
Brandsmiths is a trading name of Brandsmiths S.L. Limited which is authorised by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority, SRA No: 620298. Founding Partner: Adam Morallee
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