A overview of the steps to take.

We’ve worked hard to make sure we’re a one-stop shop for people who have lost cryptocurrency.

We’ve worked hard to make sure we’re a one-stop shop for people who have lost cryptocurrency.

In the past you would have to get three or four different professionals: you’d have to get a technology company, you’d have to get an asset recovery company, a solicitor, a barrister, and you’d have to corral those people together.

Having moved on 18 months / 2 years, and with the experience of having got a number of injunctions, at Brandsmiths what we want to be able to offer to clients is effectively a one-stop shop. So, they can come to us with their issue, and say “I’ve lost cryptocurrency - help me”. And they only really need to come to us and we’ll solve the problem if we can. You will come to us, we will assess the problem, we will work with our technological partners, we will work with Chainalysis, we will work with Asset Reality, we’ll find out where the cryptocurrency is, we’ll tell you quickly whether or not we think you can recover it or whether you’ll have to wait, and if you can (and if it’s with an exchange we know), we’ll contact the exchange we’ll speak to them, we’ll go to court if necessary and get a freezing order, go through the process, and recover the cryptocurrency.

  • London

    Old Pump House
    19 Hooper Street
    E1 8BU

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    Floor 1
    31 Princess Street
    M2 4EW

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    +44 (0) 203 709 8957

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Brandsmiths is a trading name of Brandsmiths S.L. Limited which is authorised by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority, SRA No: 620298. Founding Partner: Adam Morallee

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