Domain Names

In the event that you encounter a website that is using your domain name or trade mark without authorisation, Brandsmiths excel in preventing abusive domain registrations, thereby safeguarding your trademarks from exploitation.

Domain Names are also valuable business assets as typically they incorporate your brand and direct customers to your website. In the event that you encounter a website that is using your domain name (or a similar one) without authorisation, Brandsmiths excel in domain name disputes and resolution, thereby safeguarding your IP.

Before launching a domain name dispute, we recommend preparing pre-action correspondence and Brandsmiths has experience in contacting Registrars and Registrants in order to secure a positive outcome.

If we do not receive a response from the Registrant or secure the domain through pre-action correspondence, the next step is to file a domain name dispute. The appropriate domain dispute is dependant on the type of top-level domain of the disputed website, for example whether it is a .com,, .eu). The following disputes procedures are available:

- UDRP Complaints – for Generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) for example .com
Nominet DRS - .uk
EurlD ADR - .eu
URS Complaint - .org or .info

Our experts are proficient in formulating and filing Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP) complaints with renowned arbitration bodies such as WIPO and Nominet.

In some instances and where the complained of domain name is used for a website that is also carrying out activity that infringes your rights it is possible to seek the transfer of the domain as part of Court Litigation brought by you to stop the overall infringing activities.

To register a domain name enquiry, contact us here.

  • London

    Old Pump House
    19 Hooper Street
    E1 8BU

  • Manchester

    Floor 1
    31 Princess Street
    M2 4EW

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    +44 (0) 203 709 8957

    +44 (0) 161 464 9237


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Brandsmiths is a trading name of Brandsmiths S.L. Limited which is authorised by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority, SRA No: 620298. Founding Partner: Adam Morallee

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