Database Rights

Databases are considered a vital tool in the modern world where information is a market in itself.

Businesses often invest vast sums compiling and maintaining databases and protection of this right is fundamentally about protecting investment and confidential information.

Understanding exactly what information and data you can protect and how is often complex given the overlap with other rights such as copyright, confidential information, and, often, contract law. Our specialist lawyers have a detailed understanding of the interplay between these rights and can help you protect your assets and your business.

In today’s world, where data scraping and data mining is integral to the growth of artificial intelligence, Brandsmiths offers intellectual property expertise which is up-to-date with new technology and developments in the law.

At Brandsmiths, we have worked for clients in a range of sectors, from fashion to sport, to help them enforce their rights against third parties who have copied or otherwise exploited their hard-work and investment.

Contact us to find out more about how we can help with your query.

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    Old Pump House
    19 Hooper Street
    E1 8BU

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    Floor 1
    31 Princess Street
    M2 4EW

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    +44 (0) 203 709 8957

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