Confidential Information

Confidential information and trade secrets protect the most valuable part of a business – its “crown jewels”. They are important assets with unlimited protection unlike most other intellectual property such as trade marks and patents.

Unfortunately, sometimes this information can fall into the wrong hands. Brandsmiths can help you act quickly and efficiently to identify the risk to your business and, if needed, take urgent court action.

We work closely with forensic investigators to understand how your business might be affected by a data breach or leak of information. This could be through a hack, a disgruntled employee going to a competitor business, or even human error.

Brandsmiths has appeared before the High Court in claims involving the mis-appropriation of data from previous employees across a wide range of sectors including fashion, media, entertainment and sport.

Contact us to find out more about how we can help with your query.

  • London

    Old Pump House
    19 Hooper Street
    E1 8BU

  • Manchester

    Floor 1
    31 Princess Street
    M2 4EW

  • Call Us

    +44 (0) 203 709 8957

    +44 (0) 161 464 9237


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Brandsmiths is a trading name of Brandsmiths S.L. Limited which is authorised by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority, SRA No: 620298. Founding Partner: Adam Morallee

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