

Author: Amber Spong

Why self-promotion in the workplace is a good thing.

Held in Brandsmiths’ recently renovated Manchester office, the latest Brandsmiths+ event took place on Wednesday 17th July 2024, and brought together in-house counsel from leading brands including Manchester United and

It featured the dynamic and inspiring Stefanie Sword-Williams, the author of F*ck Being Humble. Stefanie is renowned for her no-nonsense approach to self-promotion, and her book is dedicated to inspiring people to confidently showcase their skills and achievements.

One of the key takeaways from Stefanie's talk was the idea that personal branding is not about creating a persona but about amplifying your existing strengths and passions. She shared practical tips on how to identify and articulate your unique value proposition.

“When you’re not in the room, who is speaking up for you?”

Stefanie also emphasised the importance of authenticity and transparency, encouraging everyone to embrace their achievements and shout about them, instead of conforming to traditional expectations to “be humble”.
Attendees were eager to ask questions, resulting in an informative dynamic where Stefanie provided actionable advice on how to stand out while remaining true to oneself.

“I hate to see people being so modest, they miss out on so many opportunities.”

It was inspiring to see members helping each other refine their brand narratives, resulting in some truly powerful and authentic statements.

As the event drew to a close, members left with a renewed sense of purpose and excitement about the possibilities of personal branding.

About Brandsmiths+

Brandsmiths+ is a legal network connecting elite lawyers in a thriving community. Our quarterly events give lawyers the opportunity to develop skills suited to their legal ability, as well as learn about trends which are relevant to their roles and industries.

Our events are held in London and Manchester and provide an opportunity for general networking to take place following the knowledge-based part of the session.

If you missed out, stay informed about future Brandsmiths+ gatherings and to be the first to hear about opportunities to continue your professional development journey by signing up for our mailing list

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